Buenas practicas en desarrollo
Diego Kuperman | @freekey
Buenas practicas en desarrollo
Diego Kuperman | @freekey
Best coding practices are a set of informal rules that the software development community has learned over time which can help improve the quality of software.
-- McConnell, Steve (2004). Code Complete (Second ed.)
Buenas practicas en el desarrollo de proyectos para internet
Diego Kuperman | @freekey
Buenas practicas en el ciclo de desarrollo de proyectos para internet
Diego Kuperman | @freekey
Pegado a los ordenadores hace 34 años
Soporte / Servicio técnico / Novell networks
BBS's / Fidonet
Mensajeria global
ISP (muy cutre)
FreeBSD / Unix philosofy / Networking
Terra Networks / Telefónica
Web performance / Perl / MySQL / ...
MVC, Proyectos, OSS Contributor
Open source contrubutor
Perl / Javascript / ...
Co-founder / Tech lead
Sistemas / Desarrollo
Performance / Rescate web / Formación
Co-Founder / CTO / Tech lead
Los prototipos no existen
Hacer lo que hace el software libre
Crear es mas facil que cambiar
Elegir y cuidar las herramientas
Deciciones informadas (métricas)
Ninety-ninety rule
The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time.
The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.
— Tom Cargill, Bell Labs
Software architecture
Software architecture refers to the high level structures of a software system,
the discipline of creating such structures, and the documentation of these structures.
These structures are needed to reason about the software system.
Web simple
- 1 web server / proxy
- n web apps
- 1 base de datos / storage
Web simple con tráfico
- 1/2 web server / proxy / cache
- n web apps
- 1 base de datos / storage
Web (compleja)
- Balanceadores
- n web server / proxy / cache
- n web apps
- n base de datos
- cache distribuido
- Assets / CDN
- Job queue
- n mobile apps
Proyecto web (simplificado)
- n frontales
- Assets / CDN
- n http apps/apis
- n mobile apps
- n bases de datos
- 1 cache distribuido
- 1 Job queue (n workers)
- Automated deploy
Proyecto web con tráfico
- n frontales
- Assets / CDN
- n http apps/apis
- n mobile apps
- n bases de datos
- 1 cache distribuido
- 1 Job queue (n workers)
- Automated deploy / Auto-escalado / ...
Soysuper.com: 25 Máquinas / 200 VMs
10 M eventos
273 workers
138 colas
2 redis
1.5 M imagenes originales
7 M thumbs
15 Nodos
577 m productos unicos
857 m productos origen
3 + 3 Nodos
39.6 M historicos
180 M precios
3 / 3 Nodos
39.6 M historicos
180 M segmentos
3 / 3 Nodos
4 TB indexed logs
12 Nodos
Arquitectura de nuestras apps
Elección de lenguaje/s
y componentes...
Fat models, thin controllers!
Job queues y mensajeria
No hagas hoy lo que puedes hacer mañana
Asincronía vs Multiproceso
Dominios y contratos
Optimiza para el fallo
Fail early and loud!
Fallos en una cola async
Retry limit / Failed job
de nuestro software
Código desacoplado y testeable
Configuracion desacoplada
Logs desacoplados
rSyslog / rabbit-mq / ...
Código limpio
Convenciones claras
Buenas prácticas en el código
Love our code!
There are two ways of constructing a software design: one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies; the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.
-- Hoare, C.A.R (1981). "The Emperor’s Old Clothes"
Espacios o tabs?
Cuantos espacios?
Naming conventions
Camel case o Snake case?
Llaves arriba o abajo?
Documentacion con POD, comments, jsdoc... ?
Cambia segun el lenguaje?
Control de versiones (git)
Interfáz para nuestro repo
Github / GitLab / Googs / Jira / Phabricator / ...
Interfáz para nuestro repo
Issues / Tickets / Milestones / Kanban
Feature branch
Nueva feature = nueva rama
Mantener las ramas mergeables
git pull --rebase origin master
Master o la rama que sea siempre desplegable!
Cada commit es un solo proposito
Idealmente vinculado a un issue/ticket
Squash it!
git rebase -i HEAD~4
Squash it!
git merge --squash feature-branch
Código desacoplado
Una librería/clase por proposito
Definir bien las dependencias
En cada componente
Composer / package.json / bundler / ...
Definir bien las dependencias
En cada componente
Con y para el código
Código testeable
Prepare for testing!
Tests unitarios
"testing the smallest isolatable unit of an application"
Feature testing & TDD
Regression tests & bug fixing
Integration tests & Mocking
To test or not to test!?
Tests are code!
Buenas prácticas en servicios http[1]
Asset cookieless domains
Domain sharding (2)
Minify & concatenate
Cheap requests
Binary protocol
Headers compression
Fully multiplexed
One connection to rule them all!
Minify & concatenate
Image sprite
Data URIs
Domain sharding
DevOps way!
DevOps (a clipped compound of development and operations) is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes
the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals
while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.
Each service has a team associated with it, and that team is completely responsible for the service—from scoping out the functionality, to architecting it, to building it, and operating it.
-- Werner Vogels (2007)
Giving developers operational responsibilities has greatly enhanced the quality of the services, both from a customer and a technology point of view.
-- Werner Vogels (2007)
Platform as a service
Datacenter as a service
AWS / Azure / GCP / DO / OpenStack
Virtualización / Docker / K8s
Empieza por el desarrollo
Automatizar la creación del entorno completo
Bash / Capistrano / Chef / Ansible / Puppet / Docker
Deployable units
Roles / Plugins
Deployable units
Entornos reproducibles
Dev: docker / vagrant
Staging / Pre / Pro
Despliegue automatizado
- Crear instancia
- Instalar configuraciones
- Instalar dependencias
- Instalar nuestro software
- Build
- Testear instancia
- Añadir al balanceo
- Quitar instancia vieja si existe
Despliegue automatizado
- Actualizar nuestro software
- Actualizar dependencias
- Actualizar configuraciones
- Build
- Restart
Logs centralizados
Rsyslog / LogStash + Beats / Papertrail
Distributed tracing
Request-id / Zipkin
Errores centralizados
Sentry / Pagerduty
Nagios / Sensu / Grafana / Pingdom
Build server
Build & test
Travis-ci / Jenkins / gitlab-ci / ...
language: perl
- "5.26"
- "5.24"
- "5.22"
- "5.20"
- redis-server
- "cpanm --notest Dist::Zilla Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List Pod::Coverage::TrustPod"
install: "dzil authordeps | cpanm --notest && dzil listdeps | cpanm --notest"
script: "dzil test --release"
CI Workflow
Docker / Kubernetes / Consul / CoreOS / AWS
Service discovery
etcd / Zookeeper / Consul / k8s
Glue them all!
Jabber / Hangout / Slack / IRC / ...
Chatbot / Chatops
> deploy app@feature to staging
- Planning Game
- Pair Programming
- Test Driven Development
- Whole Team
- Continuous Integration
- Design Improvement
- Small Releases
- Coding Standards
- Collective Code Ownership
- Simple Design
- System Metaphor
- Sustainable Pace
You aren't gonna need it
Agile / Scrum
Planning game
Evitar silos
Código compartido
Pair programming
Con rotación!
Small releases
Release early, release often
Delivery continuo
Poca gente
Poca comunicación
Two pizza teams
(Jeff Bezos)
Desacoplar de verdad
- https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
- https://api.slack.com/events
Código desacoplado
Modelo ODM
Modelo Search
Plugins y Roles
Libreria para cada problema
In computer programming, a trait is a concept used in object-oriented programming: a trait represents a collection of methods, that can be used to extend the functionality of a class. Essentially a trait is similar to a class made only of concrete methods that is used to extend another class with a mechanism similar to multiple inheritance, but paying attention to name conflicts, hence with some support from the language for a name-conflict resolution policy to use when merging.
Traits provide a "simple conceptual model for structuring object-oriented programs"[1][2] similar to mixins. Traits provide a simple way to create classes that reuse behavior from software components.
Traits are somewhat between an interface and a mixin: an interface is made only of method signatures, while a trait includes also the full method definitions, on the other side mixins include method definitions, but they can also carry state through attributes while traits usually don't.
Web App: Cache plugin
Redis LRU + Sereal
Async helper
my $value = $self->cached( cache_key => sub{ ... expensive op ... });
my $value = $self->cached( other_key => sub{ ... }, '2h');
my $value = $self->cached( other_key => sub{ ... }, '5m');
my $value = $self->cached( other_key => sub{ ... }, '1d');